The Source of Vero Beach Teams with Melbourne’s Wings of Grace Ministry on a Humanitarian Mission to Freeport, Bahamas

What could be thought of as an early Christmas present from Vero Beach, Florida to the 2020 hurricane-weary Freeport, Bahamas, took flight on Thursday, December 10. Thanks to The Sourcein partnership with Wings of Grace of Melbourne, Florida, nearly 1000 pounds of non-perishable food winged its way to Freeport on yet another Humanitarian Mission.

The 2020 tropical storms and hurricanes caused flooding, knocked shingles off roofs and tumbled trees while Bahamas Power and Light Co. cut off power in certain areas for safety. While the islands can normally withstand strong hurricanes, some have been destabilized by the coronavirus pandemic and the damage caused by Hurricane Dorian in 2019. Add in their loss of tourism income since the Pandemic and cancellation of cruise ships to various ports.

The Source is a Christian Outreach Ministry working to transform lives in Vero Beach. While The Source’s Executive Director Anthony Zorbaugh made an 11-hour trek with the Dignity Food Truck to Pensacola in September to feed the hungry and displaced from a late summer hurricane, it was now time for The Source’s Maureen Archer, Assistant Executive Director to return to her Bahamian roots on this much needed mission.

“Spending the better part of my day on the grounds of what was the Freeport Airport was startling to see,” shared Ms. Archer. “A former building was cut in half from where the high waters destroyed it, rest rooms were portable, and their water sources were non-existent. Handing out the supplies to the ministries was done under tents through fences as no one was allowed on the property. While I was happy to be there on this humanitarian mission, I was humbled by the experience.”

Zorbaugh was introduced to Wings of Grace Ministry, both non-profits having many crossover missions, especially that of providing quality shelters for individuals and families. There is a huge homeless population in Brevard County including many families with children. Wings of Grace inspire teenagers to improve and prosper in their lives through the use of good decision making skills. They want to impart in them the knowledge that they are valuable with God-given gifts and talents, and they have a bright future ahead of them.

Wings of Grace have 9 aircraft for teenagers to learn how to fly. They make mission trips often to the Bahamas, and ultimately, their union in wanting to help the devastated Bahamians allowed them to team their efforts as one. Ms. Evans’ trip was scheduled for a one-day distribution of all the food to local ministries in Freeport directly from their airport hangar.

The Source offers life-changing possibilities to residents in crisis; offer emergency hunger relief, clothing, counseling, support groups, hygiene items, showers, mail and telephone services, benefit referrals, cold weather refuge, and much more. As first responders, The Source helps provide critical care for physical, spiritual, civic, and social needs. For more information on The Source contact Executive Director Anthony Zorbaugh, 772-564-0202, Ext. 204. For more information on The Source please visit For more information on Wings of Grace visit, email Office@WingsOfGraceMinistries.Org or call (321) 327-2164.

Photo 1 and 5-Maureen Evans, Assistant Executive Director of The Source flew to Freeport, Bahamas thanks to the Wings of Grace Ministry of Melbourne and Pilot Edward Davis.

Photos 2,3 and 6-Ms. Evans’ trip was scheduled for a one-day distribution of all the food to local ministries in Freeport directly from their airport hangar.

Photo 4-A former building at the Freeport Airport was cut in half from where the high waters destroyed it, rest rooms were portable, and their water sources were non-existent.